A Line Direct Mail
In anticipation of the grand opening of the A Line, RTD launched a strategic direct mail campaign to more than 130,000 households along the new route. The response was overwhelming, with a remarkable 19.3 percent redemption rate for the offered free rides.
The primary objectives of this direct mail piece were multi-faceted. Firstly, it aimed to raise awareness about the impending launch of the A Line, ensuring that residents were informed and prepared to take advantage of the new service. Secondly, by offering free ride coupons, the campaign sought to incentivize trial usage and lay the foundation for future ridership. Additionally, the mailer served as an informative tool, providing details about the new line and its benefits to the community.
The success of this campaign can be attributed to its targeted approach and compelling offer. By providing a tangible incentive for action, the direct mail piece not only generated excitement for the grand opening celebration but also established a strong connection with potential riders, paving the way for sustained engagement and ridership in the future.
- Client
- Regional Transportation District